
Breath is our life force. We inhale and exhale around 10,000 litres of air each day, keeping our bodies and brains functioning. A pair of lungs will have around 15 breaths a minute, bringing awareness to the breath and can provide a relaxing experience to return to at any time.

Focus: Calming the mind and body, increasing oxygen intake.

  • Allow your breath to be as easy as possible.

  • Feel the breath coming in and out of your nostrils. Does it feel different on the inhale to the exhale?

  • Feel the chest rise and fall with each breath

  • Feel the shoulders relax with each breath.

  • Feel the tummy gently rise and fall with each breath (you may wish to place your hands here.)

  • How many seconds is your relaxed inhale? Can the length of exhale match the length of the inhale? Notice how it feels when both the inhale and exhale are the same length. Does it create a sense of ease or fluidity?