make a seagull
These seagulls are easy to make and will look really effective hanging from a tree in your garden, floating in the breeze. They will bring back memories of days by the sea… and the good thing is they won’t steal your chips!
This make was inspired by our Pictures of You vignette Life’s a Beach which recreates a classic British seaside holiday, complete with eye candy and a short sharp shower! Being from the South Coast many of the elders JAMS meet have fond memories of the sea and waterways.
• 4-pint plastic milk bottle
• A fine nibbed marker pen
• Sharp scissors and a craft knife
• Fishing line
• A large needle
• Template (download here)
Carefully insert the scissors into the bottom of the empty milk container and cut across the bottom, up the side seam where the handle is and around the handle across to the top of the bottle as shown in diagram 1.
Open out the plastic bottle and lay flat as shown in diagram 2.
Cut out the bird’s body and wings using the template.
Place them on the opened plastic bottle, you’ll need to hold them, and down to draw around them with a fine marker pen.
Cut the birds’ bodies and wings out of the plastic with sharp scissors. Wipe the marker pen off.
Draw the line on the body section (shown on the template) and cut along it with a craft knife to make a slit.
Slide the wing through the slit in the body aligning the middle of the wing to the middle of the body.
Thread the needle with the fishing line and stick it through the plastic of the body. Tie a knot and cut the thread to the desired length.