Fascia is a sheath of stringy connective tissue that wraps around all your muscles, organs and cells, from head to toe.

Focus: Increasing flexibility, reducing tension, and improving overall body awareness.

  • Using a hand touch a point on your body. Slowly and with awareness move that hand to touch

  • another point. On the body. Continue to connect different points front and back of the body, upper and lower body, left and right sides.

  • Have a sense of the fascia connecting all these points. If you can, introduce the other hand and continue connecting points of the body until you feel the web is complete.

  • Can you feel how the different parts of your body are connected as you move your hand?

  • In stillness, can you sense the completeness of the fascia body system?

  • Imagine your body as a web of soft connections.

  • Can you feel how your body is all connected, like a web?

  • Explore movement in the hand and allow the movement to influence the elbow, then the shoulder then the other shoulder until the whole body is moving together.

  • Explore and enjoy the connected dance of the fascia, breathing space into fascial layers to support easeful movement.

  • Can you feel the fascia support you?